So I just finished up my Shakespeare's Comedies and Romances final, and I feel pretty damn good about it. And I earned this, dammit. True, I didn't actually read all of the plays that we were supposed to and true, I did spend a lot of class time drawing instead of taking notes, but that makes this victory all the more sweet. I essentially snatched victory from the gaping maw that was Shakespeare.
In any case, I'm now in my room drinking a Fat Tire beer at 12:39 pm on a Monday, because I have to defrost my fridge before leaving for break. It's partially our of necessity, but I also like to think of it as a drink to victory.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
I'm feeling overly geeky
...but I'm really excited to be getting Windows 7.
You should know that I know next to nothing about computers, but because I'm getting a free copy of Windows 7, I feel that I should be excited. You know, because of all the new features and stuff.
Oh, and that my computer is the devil.
I got the stupid bastard in August and it's been the most persnickety sonnuvabitch ever since. I had one game installed on it and the damn thing crashed repeatedly until I took the program off. But that didn't fix it so I took it into Best Buy (where I bought it, though I don't really consider it a "best" buy. Get it?) where the Geek Squad told me they didn't know what was wrong with it and that I should try a system restore.
I did that and, for a while, it worked. Then it decided that
I didn't need to be able to connect to wireless internet access points. Around the time I fixed that, the little shit decided that I wouldn't be able to change my desktop background unl
ess I restarted it each time. While that wasn't exactly a big deal, shortly thereafter, it also decided that I didn't need working speakers.
So I took it in to Best Buy again and got the same answer: do a system restore.
I tried it, but this time it told me that it could not be completed due to an "unspecified error". I brought this up to my computer guy (who I should have called in the first place) and he told me that my Operating System was probably corrupted, which means that the whole damn thing could be toast.
Oh, and the warranty on my computer that I got when I bought it? Doesn't cover that.
Luckily, as per the deal I got at Best Buy (apparently the one thing they did right) I get a free copy of Windows 7 to upgrade my computer with. So in a few days, I'll (hopefully) be putting this problem behind me and enjoying the wonder that supposedly is Windows 7.
Suck it, computer.
p.s. You know what's fun? Comics. Here you go:

Monday, November 2, 2009
Because I am an adult and certainly don't have anything better to do
I've started playing Pokemon again.
A couple of days ago, I was wandering the internets when I came across an article about an upcoming game: Pokemon Soul Silver. Turns out this is a remake of the game that came out for the GameBoy Color several years ago, and which also happens to be my favorite in the series. When I was middle school I spent many nights trying to achieve the goal of catching them all. And I got close: I had 236 Pokemon caught out of the possible 251. Needless to say at the time I was quite proud of myself.
Anyway, after reading that article I started getting really excited. I would be reunited with my team that I hadn't seen in so long. I could re-explore the world that I came to love only now it would be in full color and graphics higher than 12. It's going to be great.
But the big thing that I got pumped about was the multi-player aspect of it. That is, the player can connect to the internet and face off against or trade with other players. This is especially awesome to anyone who played the original game and had to search for a link cable and other players. But then I got to thinking: "hey, I already have a Pokemon game that can do that."
So I popped my copy of Pokemon Platinum into my DS and fired it up, ready for some online combat, only to realize that my file was gone. After I beat the game last time, I started a new one so that I could try to story mode with a different starter Pokemon. So instead of finding my badass team of level 50-somethings, I instead found a character at the very beginning of the game with a level 5 Piplup.
As such, I've been playing every once in a while in hopes that by the time Soul Silver comes out in early next year, I'll have a team ready to get whooped by some jackass fiver year old. It's going to be awesome.
A couple of days ago, I was wandering the internets when I came across an article about an upcoming game: Pokemon Soul Silver. Turns out this is a remake of the game that came out for the GameBoy Color several years ago, and which also happens to be my favorite in the series. When I was middle school I spent many nights trying to achieve the goal of catching them all. And I got close: I had 236 Pokemon caught out of the possible 251. Needless to say at the time I was quite proud of myself.
Anyway, after reading that article I started getting really excited. I would be reunited with my team that I hadn't seen in so long. I could re-explore the world that I came to love only now it would be in full color and graphics higher than 12. It's going to be great.
But the big thing that I got pumped about was the multi-player aspect of it. That is, the player can connect to the internet and face off against or trade with other players. This is especially awesome to anyone who played the original game and had to search for a link cable and other players. But then I got to thinking: "hey, I already have a Pokemon game that can do that."
So I popped my copy of Pokemon Platinum into my DS and fired it up, ready for some online combat, only to realize that my file was gone. After I beat the game last time, I started a new one so that I could try to story mode with a different starter Pokemon. So instead of finding my badass team of level 50-somethings, I instead found a character at the very beginning of the game with a level 5 Piplup.
As such, I've been playing every once in a while in hopes that by the time Soul Silver comes out in early next year, I'll have a team ready to get whooped by some jackass fiver year old. It's going to be awesome.

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Return to Geek Mountain
or rather that should be "from Geek Mountain", as I have just come back from a weekend at Gen Con.
For those of you who don't know, Gen Con is a gigantic gaming convention that takes place every year. It goes for four days and, to me, it's about as exciting as Christmas. This was something I used to do with my dad each year, but I hadn't been going for a while for obvious reasons. In any case, this year I decided to change that and I went off to Indianapolis with Amelie and my mom in tow.
And it was awesome. While some things were different from the way I remembered them, I had a great time. I got to get back to my gaming roots and truly geek out for a few days. I openly spoke about D&D (something that I don't play but enjoy hearing about), I played many a game, and I spent a fair sum of money in the exhibit hall on a few games that happened to tickle my fancy. One of these purchases was for the "Penny-Arcade Card Game" which, yes, is created after the famous online comic. This just gives an example of the stuff you can find at the Con. Also a little side note about my purchase: the game won't be released to the public for a few weeks, which makes it that much cooler.
Another aspect of this weekend was getting the opportunity to attend a few seminars, one of which focused on creating web comics. It gave me a lot of ideas as to break onto the scene, as well as maintain discipline in getting stuff done. So, once again, I am toying with the idea of making a comic. I'll have to see where that goes, but if anyone has any ideas or would like to help, let me know, ok?
Oh, and one other thing: while at the Con, I got to talk with Ryan Sohmer and Lar DeSouza, the creator and illustrator (respectively) of Least I Could Do, which happens to be one of my favorite comic strips. We go to talking about making comics (surprise) and I was telling them about how I was trying to get one started when they told me to send them some stuff their way so that they could look at it and see what might happen. I realize this is a long shot, but I might bounced for the rest of day after I talked to them.
And it still has the same effect.
For those of you who don't know, Gen Con is a gigantic gaming convention that takes place every year. It goes for four days and, to me, it's about as exciting as Christmas. This was something I used to do with my dad each year, but I hadn't been going for a while for obvious reasons. In any case, this year I decided to change that and I went off to Indianapolis with Amelie and my mom in tow.
And it was awesome. While some things were different from the way I remembered them, I had a great time. I got to get back to my gaming roots and truly geek out for a few days. I openly spoke about D&D (something that I don't play but enjoy hearing about), I played many a game, and I spent a fair sum of money in the exhibit hall on a few games that happened to tickle my fancy. One of these purchases was for the "Penny-Arcade Card Game" which, yes, is created after the famous online comic. This just gives an example of the stuff you can find at the Con. Also a little side note about my purchase: the game won't be released to the public for a few weeks, which makes it that much cooler.
Another aspect of this weekend was getting the opportunity to attend a few seminars, one of which focused on creating web comics. It gave me a lot of ideas as to break onto the scene, as well as maintain discipline in getting stuff done. So, once again, I am toying with the idea of making a comic. I'll have to see where that goes, but if anyone has any ideas or would like to help, let me know, ok?
Oh, and one other thing: while at the Con, I got to talk with Ryan Sohmer and Lar DeSouza, the creator and illustrator (respectively) of Least I Could Do, which happens to be one of my favorite comic strips. We go to talking about making comics (surprise) and I was telling them about how I was trying to get one started when they told me to send them some stuff their way so that they could look at it and see what might happen. I realize this is a long shot, but I might bounced for the rest of day after I talked to them.
And it still has the same effect.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
It's summer time and I'm bored
I'd like to think that me writing here again will be something that will be continued in the near future. However, considering my track record so far, I'll believe it when I see it.
So I haven't written anything here since last year, thus there is quite a bit to put down here. That being said, I'll sum it up into one simple phrase:
I was in fucking Asia.
I have to admit that it still has not sunk in yet. I mean, when I think about it, I know that I was on a different continent and all that jazz. But when I don't think specifically on it, it seems surreal and sort of dream like. Every once in a while, I have to look at my pictures that I took, read the journal I wrote in, or visit the blog that I updated something like four times on the trip.
At the same time, that's all I have really been talking about lately. When I see people back home, they want to know all about the trip. And while this is certainly understandable, I'm finding it a bit tiring. Not that I don't like talking about it, rather I don't know what to bring up. I have so many stories and things from the trip that I have a hard time bringing up one particular tale to tell. Stuff comes up later in conversation with things like "That reminds me of a time in Thailand when...". But for the most part, I'm feeling that I am not being as good a storyteller as I should be.
In any case, right now I have little to occupy my time. In a few weeks, I will be back in Iowa working at a Boy Scout camp as an Art Director, and I will have plenty on my plate for about two months. And after that I will have things like GenCon and such to entertain me. But currently the only things I have going is me puttering around artistically (as in I haven't gotten anything good drawn in a long while), toying around with the idea of making a webcomic (though the previous point is getting in the way a bit), and playing Pokemon (because I am an adult).
In any case, those activities call and I will wrap this entry up with a pearl of wisdom that I have held close to my heart since childhood:
"Gotta Catch 'Em All"
So I haven't written anything here since last year, thus there is quite a bit to put down here. That being said, I'll sum it up into one simple phrase:
I was in fucking Asia.
I have to admit that it still has not sunk in yet. I mean, when I think about it, I know that I was on a different continent and all that jazz. But when I don't think specifically on it, it seems surreal and sort of dream like. Every once in a while, I have to look at my pictures that I took, read the journal I wrote in, or visit the blog that I updated something like four times on the trip.
At the same time, that's all I have really been talking about lately. When I see people back home, they want to know all about the trip. And while this is certainly understandable, I'm finding it a bit tiring. Not that I don't like talking about it, rather I don't know what to bring up. I have so many stories and things from the trip that I have a hard time bringing up one particular tale to tell. Stuff comes up later in conversation with things like "That reminds me of a time in Thailand when...". But for the most part, I'm feeling that I am not being as good a storyteller as I should be.
In any case, right now I have little to occupy my time. In a few weeks, I will be back in Iowa working at a Boy Scout camp as an Art Director, and I will have plenty on my plate for about two months. And after that I will have things like GenCon and such to entertain me. But currently the only things I have going is me puttering around artistically (as in I haven't gotten anything good drawn in a long while), toying around with the idea of making a webcomic (though the previous point is getting in the way a bit), and playing Pokemon (because I am an adult).
In any case, those activities call and I will wrap this entry up with a pearl of wisdom that I have held close to my heart since childhood:
"Gotta Catch 'Em All"
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