Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Goddammit Grandma!

I got a package from home yesterday. I wasn't expecting it and was pleasantly surprised to find a goldenrod slip of paper in my mailbox that signified its arrival. So I wandered gleefully back from Gage and made tracks for my room wherein I could open my parcel in quiet excitement. Upon ripping open the packing tape with my room key, I was pleasantly surprised by a heart-shaped rice crispy treat with a Snoopy valentine atop it. It stated: "Be My Valentine -granjan"

My grandma sent me a valentine. And more importantly: treats to go along with said valentine. Along with the marshmallow and crisped rice treat, there was a bag of those little confectionery hearts with sappy love sayings on it and some cinnamon jelly hearts. On top of that, there was a box of Triscuts infused with olive oil and fake tomato flavoring (a personal favorite of mine). But there was one thing left, at the bottom of the box, just waiting to be discovered: Easy Cheese.

I hate Easy Cheese.

Apparently my grandma has decided that it's funny to send me a food product which she knows I will refuse to eat. She's a peach.

So I handed my hyper-processed cheese product to my neighbor who, to my horror, took a swig straight from the can. So at least the stuff is being put to use, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to eat it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

In reference to the previous post:
there was mass hysteria
snow flew all willy-nilly
it was cold
I destroyed my challenger.


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Walking in a what?

So there is a lot of snow on the ground. I've been yelled at by certain woman of small stature to update this thing, but I find the draw to outside to be nigh irresistible. Thus, I will be returning to finish this post once I have had my fill of flinging snow balls at my comrades. A challenge had been issued and the gauntlet has hit the floor. Game on.

-to be continued-