You should know that I know next to nothing about computers, but because I'm getting a free copy of Windows 7, I feel that I should be excited. You know, because of all the new features and stuff.
Oh, and that my computer is the devil.
I got the stupid bastard in August and it's been the most persnickety sonnuvabitch ever since. I had one game installed on it and the damn thing crashed repeatedly until I took the program off. But that didn't fix it so I took it into Best Buy (where I bought it, though I don't really consider it a "best" buy. Get it?) where the Geek Squad told me they didn't know what was wrong with it and that I should try a system restore.
I did that and, for a while, it worked. Then it decided that
I didn't need to be able to connect to wireless internet access points. Around the time I fixed that, the little shit decided that I wouldn't be able to change my desktop background unl
ess I restarted it each time. While that wasn't exactly a big deal, shortly thereafter, it also decided that I didn't need working speakers.
So I took it in to Best Buy again and got the same answer: do a system restore.
I tried it, but this time it told me that it could not be completed due to an "unspecified error". I brought this up to my computer guy (who I should have called in the first place) and he told me that my Operating System was probably corrupted, which means that the whole damn thing could be toast.
Oh, and the warranty on my computer that I got when I bought it? Doesn't cover that.
Luckily, as per the deal I got at Best Buy (apparently the one thing they did right) I get a free copy of Windows 7 to upgrade my computer with. So in a few days, I'll (hopefully) be putting this problem behind me and enjoying the wonder that supposedly is Windows 7.
Suck it, computer.
p.s. You know what's fun? Comics. Here you go:

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