Monday, November 2, 2009

Because I am an adult and certainly don't have anything better to do

I've started playing Pokemon again.

A couple of days ago, I was wandering the internets when I came across an article about an upcoming game: Pokemon Soul Silver. Turns out this is a remake of the game that came out for the GameBoy Color several years ago, and which also happens to be my favorite in the series. When I was middle school I spent many nights trying to achieve the goal of catching them all. And I got close: I had 236 Pokemon caught out of the possible 251. Needless to say at the time I was quite proud of myself.

Anyway, after reading that article I started getting really excited. I would be reunited with my team that I hadn't seen in so long. I could re-explore the world that I came to love only now it would be in full color and graphics higher than 12. It's going to be great.

But the big thing that I got pumped about was the multi-player aspect of it. That is, the player can connect to the internet and face off against or trade with other players. This is especially awesome to anyone who played the original game and had to search for a link cable and other players. But then I got to thinking: "hey, I already have a Pokemon game that can do that."

So I popped my copy of Pokemon Platinum into my DS and fired it up, ready for some online combat, only to realize that my file was gone. After I beat the game last time, I started a new one so that I could try to story mode with a different starter Pokemon. So instead of finding my badass team of level 50-somethings, I instead found a character at the very beginning of the game with a level 5 Piplup.


As such, I've been playing every once in a while in hopes that by the time Soul Silver comes out in early next year, I'll have a team ready to get whooped by some jackass fiver year old. It's going to be awesome.


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