Monday, December 14, 2009

Finals Time

So I just finished up my Shakespeare's Comedies and Romances final, and I feel pretty damn good about it. And I earned this, dammit. True, I didn't actually read all of the plays that we were supposed to and true, I did spend a lot of class time drawing instead of taking notes, but that makes this victory all the more sweet. I essentially snatched victory from the gaping maw that was Shakespeare.

In any case, I'm now in my room drinking a Fat Tire beer at 12:39 pm on a Monday, because I have to defrost my fridge before leaving for break. It's partially our of necessity, but I also like to think of it as a drink to victory.

1 comment:

Leta said...

Nice. Did you have Drex or Gina?

Also, probably we should hang out over break. You can teach me how to play Magic, the Gathering. And how to beat people up with foam and PVC swords.