Wednesday, March 19, 2008

For Shits and Giggles

This is what happens when the newspaper has nothing to publish...

I get to be stupid


gringo said...

we're nearing a month, update.

Leta said...

Update, please.

Leta said...

Getting dangerously close to the two month marker.

Seeing as most of my personal interactions involve the internet somehow, if I don't see an update pretty soon, I'll be forced to assume you're dead and will hold a memorial service for you, grieve, and move on with my life. If it turns out that you are in fact alive and just spending your time in better ways than updating a blog and then actually turn up in my life again, I'm afraid I will have already squared your death away and will have no room for you in my new worldview.

I mean, I guess I could call you on the phone.

But who has time for that?

Kyle said...

Hughes, this comic is suddenly (and by suddenly I mean the exact opposite of suddenly) old news. That movie came out over Spring Break.

There are summer blockbusters to ridicule!