So my heart's broken.
Not in the sense that I'm romantically destroyed or completely and utterly lonely, but in the fact that my heart is physically broken.
Don't worry it's nothing serious.
You see, the way a normal heart works is that it shoots electricity (which I thought was kick-ass by the way) down a path way to the lower chambers of the heart. You should know that this is all coming from memory of what a cardiologist told me yesterday, so the specifics might be a bit off. But around the middle of our ticker, the pathway splits, going off the the right and the left leading to the muscles contracting and pumping blood. That's how it normally works. But the thing is, my heart doesn't work that way. When the path splits, there's a blockage on the right side, meaning that my heart isn't doing the proper contractions. This sounds a lot worse than it actually is. The great thing about being me (or human, in all actuality) is that we adapt. My heart compensates for this and keeps me from keeling over. Fun stuff.
But that isn't to say that there weren't scary times surrounding this discovery. For those of you who don't know, my father died of a heart attack. So, when I started having chest pains and shortness of breath, you could probably understand why I might have been a bit frightened. I'm not going to say that I thought I was going to die or anything like that, because it never seemed that serious. But It did put things in a new light. I started thinking about things I'd like to do before I go and people I'd like to spend more time with. You know, cliched stuff like that.
But I was talking to a good friend of mine recently and came to the realization that despite the fact that I had faced mortality I:
still like girls
still like drawing
still like music
still like writing
still hate shrimp
still have no clue what I'm doing with my life.
So for the most part, all I did was get out of a little class and scare the hell out of my family.